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Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolutions, revisited

Last year, I made the following resolutions:

I resolve to be kinder to myself.
I resolve to stop bullying myself.
I resolve to stop making fun of myself for every little misstep.
I resolve to stop berating myself when I make mistakes.
I resolve to stop calling myself "stupid", "idiot" and "fat ass".
I resolve to feel like I am good enough.
I resolve to feel like I deserve the good things.
I resolve to not feel responsible for the bad.
I resolve to give myself a mommy mulligan when I need it.
I resolve to feel OK doing something just for me.
I resolve to feel worthy of the life I have.
I resolve to love myself.
No matter what.
I resolve to be OK with the fact that I will probably screw all of these up.

So how did I do?

Surprisingly, pretty well. I made myself a priority and started to treat myself the way I wished others would. Basically, I gave myself a friggin' break and stopped kicking my own ass. Was I always perfect? Hell no. Will I ever be? Hell no. I never want to be perfect. I just want to be the best version of me that I can be. For my kids. And my husband. But most importantly, for myself. 

So this year, I again resolve to be kind to myself. To not judge my actions against the actions of others. And to love myself, no matter how broke I may be. I hope you will join me.

Happy New Year, friends.
I hope the best day of your 2013 is the worst day of your 2014.

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