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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My daughter is a genius...or not.

The Quiet Contemplator is smart. Really smart. Sometimes she makes her dad and me feel like complete dumbasses in comparison. She is three.

For example, the other day it was raining (foreshadowing, people) as we were driving home from The Target. While telling me a story, she used the word "definitely" correctly. Impressive.

But once we got home and parked the van in the garage, she did something not so smart.

That's right. She licked the Rambone (not as dirty as it sounds. Wait, no, it is dirtier than it sounds. Much.)

Once I reentered myself (that's what she said) after have an out of body experience caused by disgust, I was able to squawk out...

To which she responded...

 I guess I had better tear up that early admissions application to Harvard...

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