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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Winning at Pinning: Framed Dry Erase Quote Board

While trolling Pinterest the other day, I stumbled upon a pin that caught my eye. It was a pin about taking a frame with a glass front, putting a design of a quote inside of it and using it as a dry erase board to capture the funnier things that your kids say. Like when The Quiet Contemplator told me you put on tights by putting them on your feet, then "Pull them all the way up to your booty and bagina."

While on Pinterest, yet again, I saw a font made of frames and mustaches and I got inspired to get crafty and make my own.

And, since this is a ridiculously easy project (all you need is a printer and an 8 x 10 frame), I decided to share my finished product so you all could do the same.

All you have to do is click the design above, download, print and place in a frame. Then just use a dry erase marker to fill in your quote. You can erase and refill as your children provide you with new material.


Enjoy, Boozehounds!
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