But does my career define me? No. Being a mother does. Is my job who I am? No. My kids are. I would still be who I am if I lost my job. I would cease to be without my kids.
When I was a kid, I never wanted to be a wife or a mother. I was so independent that I thought that marriage and kids would steal my identity. And, in a way, they did. I am no longer who I was. I am stronger, more resilient and am more selfless. I am a better version of me than I ever dreamed of.
I may have lost my spontaneity (nap time waits for no man). I may not do impulsive and dangerous things for fun anymore (unless you count unprotected sex that ends with me getting pregnant). I may not grab life by the balls as much as I used to (unless it messes with my kids, then step the fuck off or I will cut you, Life). But, deep down, I am still the same loud and obnoxious little girl who doesn't mince words or give a crap what the world thinks about her. I am still the me I wanted to be, I am just also the mother I never thought I could be.
So what do I want to be when I grow up now? A good mother. One that my children will look back at and be proud of. One that they will see for who she is, not who she isn't. I want to grow up to be me. Only thinner, of course. Damn you baby weight!
Jobs come and go. Family is forever.
Want to see "dream jobs" from other perspectives? Visit the links below to see what other people have to say.
The Insomniac's Dream
Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom
Mommy Rotten
Mom With Her Running Shoes On
Shit I Don't Tell Most People
Something Clever 2.0
The Next Step
Who Woulda Thought?
Wait a minute, you're not the one who writes those Sarah McLachlan dog commercials, are you?!
ReplyDeleteThe ones that make every pregnant woman on the planet ball her eyes out? No. I wish!
Deleteoh. right. the baby weight thing. that probably should have been more prominent in my dream job. alas, I like eating what I want and I hate exercising. I chase the kids around enough as it is, we'll see what happens when I can't chase grandkids around. :-)
ReplyDeleteBaby weight: every mommy's nemesis. Dream job or not!
DeleteI loved this!
ReplyDeleteFunny how, once you become a mom, nothing else matters anymore. It is truly rewarding.
As for the baby weight... What can you do, right? Now pass me the cookies...
And wine!
DeleteWhy do I feel so out of place commenting on these posts? Oh that's right, I'm a Dude! I envy anyone who already has their dream job!
ReplyDeleteNot sure a penis will really hinder you. Ha.
DeleteVery well said, and I feel the same way, deep down. And on most days, I think I kick ass at being a mama. That said, I suck at being a housewife. Plus, I still believe it would be crazy fun to be a forensic investigating, DMB following, dancing and acting heiress to a fortune. Is it too late for that?
ReplyDeleteNever too late!
DeleteYou're a friend in my head :) love this post
ReplyDeleteIf you bring wine, we can be IRL friends.
DeleteHOLY CRAP you mean other women never wanted to get hitched or bear children from their loins?? I always thought that it was just me, considering the horrible looks I used to get when I said that.
ReplyDeleteNow, being a wife and mother does define me. A lot. And I am okay with it, I wouldn't have it any other way.
So how many times have you had to hear, "I thought you said you didn't want any kids." Um...yes. I did. I changed my mind. And fuck you.